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Asia Math Engineering Challenge (AMEC) logo
Conference: 16th June 2020 - 20th June 2020 (TBA)

The Asia Math Engineering Challenge (AMEC) gives students the opportunity to develop creative thinking and problem solving skills through digital technology. The core of AMEC is the coding workshop that we conduct alongside our experienced porgramme partner for students to hone basic programming skills. And the best part - no prior knowledge in programming is required!


In addition to coding, participants will also get to experience groundbreaking technology - for example, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D modelling and drones. A large part of the programme will consist of learning how to use coding technology. Participants are expected to work in teams and they will be tasked to design and conceive innovative robotics solutions to problems they experience/observe in their home communities.

Junior: Ages 9 - 12
Senior: Ages 13 - 16


For a brief understanding of what our conferences are like


For a detailed coverage of how the previous conferences went


For a more virtual experience of our conferences

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